How I Did It - Jay's Story

Today we are listening to Jay's story. We dive into what their life in addiction was like and what their life in sobriety is like now.
Today we are listening to Jay's story. We dive into what their life in addiction was like and what their life in sobriety is like now.

The episode of The Recovered Life Show, "How I Did It," features an inspiring interview with Jay, a man from Boston, Massachusetts, who has been sober for over thirteen years. Jay's story of overcoming alcoholism and finding recovery is one of hope and determination. He candidly shares how he first noticed a problem with his drinking in high school and how it escalated to a daily binge blackout drinking. He talks about his difficult journey to hitting rock bottom and how he found the strength to turn his life around. Jay Keith's story of redemption is powerful and illustrates that no matter how hopeless a situation may seem, there is always a way out and a path to a better life. He shares how he went to an AA meeting and took the suggestion to go to 90 meetings in 90 days, which helped him find support and a safe place for him to begin to heal. He also shares how he initially found the recovery process difficult and miserable, but he knew that he had to keep going, and this is how he found the payoff of sobriety. Through his honesty, resilience, and faith, Jay's story inspires anyone struggling with addiction and seeking a way to recover.


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How I Did It - Jay's Story
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